Expert gardener shares 15 nifty gardening hacks that everyone should know. These are genius!

It’s that time of year where we are sprucing up out outdoor spaces so we can make them presentable to our family and friends as we begin to spend more time with them in our backyards. If you have some work to do in your yard but don’t want to start dishing out all your dough for garden tools then we have a solution for you!

Just make your own. We searched the internet to find some genius hacks for creating your own garden tools, here are some of our favorites.

Protect Seedlings From the Cold

If there is cold spell after you’ve freshly transplanted some seedlings outside, you can cut the bottom off of a milk jug and place the top of the jug over the plant to keep it nice and warm.

Source: Pinterest

Five-in-One Gardening Tool

Why have a bunch of tools lying around your backyard when you can make one that does everything? This handy dandy tool serves as a rake, hoe, drive stake, seed press, and hole maker. Get the tutorial on how to make it here.

Source: Mother Earth News

Soil/Mulch Scoop

Cut the bottom of milk jug into the shape of a scooper and use it to scoop mulch or soil in your garden.

Table Cloth Haul

Do you have heavy items you need to transport in your garden? Place those heavy bags of mulch on a vinyl tablecloth and drag them across the grass.

Source: Pinterest

Seed Sower

This seed sower cost less than $1 to make and is made from a piece of PVC pipe.

Source: YouTube Screenshot

Watering Can

Poke some holes into the cap of a milk jug and fill it with water and pour it upside down to water your plants.

Source: Make It Love It

Rain Barrel

Reduce your water consumption by collecting rain and using it to water your garden. You can make a rain collection barrel from a trash can. Here‘s how to make it.

Source: Listotic

Shovel/Dust Pan

You can also cut up a milk jug to create a shovel or pan to wipe up excess soil.

Source: Curbly

Frost Blanket

Use an old blanket or comforter to protect your plants from frost.

Source: Brad’s Tropical Paradise

Plant Ties

Cut up scraps of towels into strips and use them to tie plants together or to trellises. The towel will be gentle on your plants.

Source: Better Homes & Gardens

Cutworm Collars

Cut the bottom off of a yogurt container and place it over a young plant to protect it from cutworms and other predatorial bugs.

Source: Better Homes & Gardens

Garden Markers

Shove or glue some chopsticks to wine corks and use a Sharpie to write the name of plants on them and use them to mark your plants in the garden.

Source: Cambria Wines

Pest Control

Place plastic forks around and/or in between your garden to keep out rabbits, cats, and other pests.

Source: Listotic

Aphid Control

Keep aphids from destroying your tomato plants by placing a yellow cup (they are attracted to yellow) over a stake or post. You can secure it with a thumb tack. Coat the outside of the cup with vaseline.

They won’t be able to escape the sticky coating and will be attracted the cup, rather than your plants.


Source: A Piece of Rainbow

Greenhouses are a great way to build healthy and strong plants while keeping them safe. You don’t have to drop a ton of cash on buying one. There are dozens of inexpensive ways to make these.





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